Nina Fuštar

Nina Fuštar was born in 1999 in Prijedor, where she obtained her elementary and high school education. After completing elementary school, she received the Vuk award and recognition as a student of the generation. She then enrolled in and completed high school music school Savo Balaban Prijedor in two departments: music collaborator – theorist and music performer – pianist. After high school, she was also recognized as a student of the generation and continued her education at the Music Academy in Sarajevo in the orchestral conducting department in the class of master Dario Vučić. She continued her conducting studies at the Faculty of Music in Belgrade in the class of master Bojan Suđić. Currently, she is a graduate student in the same class.

In May 2019, she conducts the Orchestra of the Sarajevo Music Academy in the first year of study. Afterwards, in February 2020, she conducts the Symphony Orchestra of the Serbian Radio Television at the Children’s Concert in the Great Hall of the Kolarac Endowment. With the Slovenian ensemble Bass Chorus, she opened the 30th International Composers Forum and premiered the work CONTERpasso, dedicated to this festival, by the Italian composer Michele del Prete. With the chamber orchestra Gudači Svetog Đorđa at the KoMA festival in June 2021, held at the Belgrade Philharmonic Hall, she premiered the work Sveti Simeon Zeleni by the young Serbian composer Nikola Radosavljević.

Within the Opera Studio of the Faculty of Music in Belgrade, she participates in the preparation and conducts Puccini’s opera Sister Angelica at the Cultural Center of Novi Sad at the 67th Sterijino Pozorje Young Theater Festival. At the end of the 2021/22 season, she was engaged as an assistant conductor for the performance of Carl Orff’s work “Carmina Burana” at the National Theater in Belgrade.

She participated in the international project “Opera: Past, Present, Perfect” under the patronage of the Creative Europe program, and organized by the Music Theater and Opera Organization MOTO, in which she participated in the preparation of Stanislav Binički’s opera “Na uranku” and in masterclasses with conductors Srba Dinić and Igor Vlajinić. She attended a nine-day conducting masterclass with maestro Wolfgang Scheidt. Currently, she is the conductor of the choirs Sveta Cecilija and Odjek Zemun. She is a member of the Borislav Popović opera studio within the National Theater in Belgrade.

At the International Accordion Art Competition in Eastern Sarajevo in 2019, she won the Laureate award. In addition to music, she is also active in other fields, most notably participating in the multimedia group exhibition “Potkanje” in which she showcased her visual-musical work at the Museum of Applied Arts in Belgrade. The exhibition was supported by the Museum of Applied Arts, the Association of Applied Arts and Designers of Serbia/ULUPUDS, and the University of Arts in Belgrade. From 2020 to 2022, she held the position of student vice-rector at the University of Arts in Belgrade.

At the 2018 World Summit of Youth in Vienna, which brought together 45 young leaders from 38 countries, she was selected as one of three representatives of Bosnia and Herzegovina and was the youngest participant. She was also one of the 10 protagonists of the film “re:Generacija” which had its premiere in Sarajevo and then in 17 other cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Additionally, the film was shown at several international festivals and at the United Nations headquarters in New York, which was the first time a Bosnian-Herzegovinian film was shown at the UN headquarters.